Robbed in Barcelona

If, despite all precautions, the worst happens and you are the victim of a robbery, you should take immediate action to deal with the situation.

What to do if you are robbed in Barcelona?

Call 112

This is the general emergency number which offers help in different languages.

Go to any Police Station (Comisaría) or Citizens Advice Bureau to file a report (denuncia)

  • Police Stations are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • Remember that the Spanish police are not necessarily multilingual, the police station for the ‘Mossos d’Esquadra’ can provide an English speaker with whom to make a report.
  • A report can also be filed online via the link below by selecting ‘online crime report’ at the bottom of the page.
  • Please note that you must go to the police station within 72 hours of filing the report to sign a copy (remember to take the report reference number with you).
  • More information about reporting online to the police in Barcelona can be found on the Gencat site.

Personal belongings

If you lose any of your personal belongings, the best course of action is to contact the Municipal Findings Office (l’Oficina Municipal de Troballes) on telephone number 010 or 931537010. You will need your ID and the serial numbers of any electronic devices. There is also an online form available where you can request any lost items via the link below, just click on “inicieu el tràmit” and fill in your details.


If your bank cards and/or your passport are stolen, don’t forget to block your cards straight away and request a provisional travel document from your consulate.

More about safety in Barcelona

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