Category: Internship

Feb 01
Being an American in Barcelona

Read about Ella's experience living as an American in Barcelona for a few months as a study abroad student - and loving it!

Jan 24
Charlotte Wilkins

Charlotte, une Française à Barcelone, vous partage son expérience et ses conseils en tant que jeune étudiante! Dans ce blog, découvrez davantage sur la vie Barcelonaise, avec des astuces utiles pour les Français à Barcelone.

May 28
Anouk Grootjans

Anouk Grootjans is a Dutch expat living in Barcelona. Why did she move to Barcelona and what is her advice to future expats?

Jul 05
Student discounts in Barcelona

It’s easy to save money with these student discounts in Barcelona. Find cheap ways to travel to the airport, ride around the city, or experience Spanish culture at museums, restaurants, bars, gyms, and more.

Oct 02
7 Reasons why you should do an internship in Barcelona

AE Internships shares 7 reasons to do an internship in Barcelona, and explains why it is the best city for young professionals.

Apr 07
Interns in Barcelona

Having doubts about doing an internship in Barcelona? Read about the first-hand experience of an intern in Barcelona, gain useful tips and put your mind at ease.