Job search in Barcelona

Week 1: Job search tools and social media presence

The entire month of May in 2022 we organised the Work in Barcelona! month, sponsored by Telus International AI Data Solutions.


This month was all about providing you with the ultimate guide to working in Barcelona, where we dived into a different topic every week. 


We shared our best tips on how to improve your employability through CV writing and your social media presence. As well as, how the Spanish work culture works, what kind of paperwork and documents you’ll need and lastly living in Barcelona.


In the first week of the ‘Work in Barcelona Month!’, we touched upon job search tools, a Barcelonian style CV, how to present yourself on social media.

This blog is sponsored by Telus International AI Data Solutions.

Job search tools and social media presence

Weekly recap

Monday, May 2nd - Barcelonian style CV

Whether you are already living in or considering relocating to Barcelona, the first thing on your to-do list will probably be finding the perfect job!


However, there are two other important steps you should take before starting your job search and applying for your dream job. First, we would advise to making sure that your CV is ready.


What a CV or resume should entail, differentiates per country. Before applying for a job in Barcelona, it is essential to adapt to the local format. Not only is this the professional thing to do, but it could also possibly increase your chances of being selected for the job.

Tuesday, May 3rd - Social media presence/ LinkedIn

Your LinkedIn presence should be the second step with regard to your job search.


Nowadays, LinkedIn is the most important social media platform to present and market yourself online.


Companies are more often posting their vacancies on LinkedIn, and recruiters are looking at your account and approaching job candidates via their LinkedIn profile. Moreover, companies tend to look at the LinkedIn profiles of their job candidates.

Wednesday, May 4th - How to find a job?

Finding a job can be challenging, and you might not know how to get started. Take a look at our blog ‘How to find a job in Barcelona’ for more information and tips.

Thursday, May 5th - Languages most in demand by companies hiring in Barcelona

Do you speak German, Dutch or a Nordic language? You might not know this yet, but you are speaking one of the most demanded languages asked by recruiters in Barcelona!

On our website we also offer job vacancies. Click on the links below to find your perfect job!

Friday, May 6th - How to find a job on LinkedIn

Nowadays, many companies use LinkedIn as their main tool to recruit new employees and select applicants. Take a look at our LinkedIn blog, on how to effectively use LinkedIn. Or find more jobs for multilinguals by clicking on this link.

Work in Barcelona! Job Fair

The aim of this event is to attract expats or other residents of Barcelona, who were looking for a multilingual job in Barcelona. 


This initiative consisted of a day full of exchanging people’s work background in the form of a CV, with teams of recruiters from the companies which are lined up above. Whether you were an expat looking for a multilingual job, or a local wanting to find a new job, during a job fair you had the chance to apply for multiple job opportunities. 


Before, during and after the Job Fair, Barcelona Expat Life provided video’s, articles, and social media posts to provide information about what is happening at the job fair and which exhibitors would attend. The total reach Barcelona Expat Life generated with the promotion on all the social media platforms was an engagement of 350.000+.

job search
job search
job search

About Telus International

Creating and enhancing the world’s data to enable better AI via human intelligence.

We help companies test and improve machine learning models via our global AI Community of 1 million+ annotators and linguists. Our AI Data Solutions vastly enhance AI systems across a range of applications from advanced smart products, to better search results, to expanded speech recognition, to more human-like bot interactions and so much more.

Work in Barcelona! Month

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