Barcelona Global: help make Barcelona a better place to live!

Are you a Barcelonian by choice? Help make Barcelona a better place to live!

Barcelona Global, along with the support of Banc Sabadell, has just launched the 6th edition of its International Talent Monitor (ITM). This is a survey devoted to better understanding the needs and challenges of Barcelonians by choice: talented people who have decided to work, live, study, invest, create and start up in Barcelona.

Barcelona is an extremely popular destination among immigrants and international talent forms a key part of Barcelona’s population. Barcelona Global would love to hear about Barcelona from an expat’s perspective and invites you to participate in the ITM. This survey aims to understand the needs and challenges you face – as foreign entrepreneurs, business leaders, digital nomads, students, researchers, investors, and employees of international companies in the city.

The ITM survey asks Barcelona expats about five main categories:

  • Barcelona as a global city
  • Living conditions
  • Working and operating a business
  • Education system and services for families
  • Integration into Barcelona’s society

The survey will run until June 4 and is 100% confidential. It will take around 15 minutes of your time and your data will not be shared with any third parties.


The results will be published in September of this year for the Hola Cocktail, an event organized by Barcelona Global for all international talent in Barcelona.

About The International Talent Monitor

The ITM is a survey that Barcelona Global carries out every two years in collaboration with Banco Sabadell. The ITM was first launched in 2013 to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of Barcelona from the point of view of the international community that lives in the city. It is the widest and most in-depth approach to collecting the feedback from the ‘Barcelonians by choice’ community.

The ITM has two parts:

  1. Online survey (as mentioned above) – to collect quantitative data
  2. 8 focus groups – to collect qualitative data

The focus groups allow a deeper discussion of specific topics, allowing the city to focus more on topics relevant to expats.

  • Education
  • Health and pharma
  • Tourism, culture and sports
  • Research and innovation
  • Startups and tech
  • Investment
  • City services and housing
  • Mobility
  • Infrastructure
  • Sustainability

The results will help the city to better understand what is satisfactory and what can be improved. Participation is vital to shaping the future of Barcelona as a global city.

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Results of International Talent Monitor 2021

The fifth edition of the Barcelona Global International Talent Monitor in 2021 was answered by a total of 1,042 respondents, all of whom live and work in Barcelona. Here are some of the conclusions of the 2021 edition.

What Barcelonians by choice like about Barcelona

What Barcelonians by choice don’t like about Barcelona

These initiatives were a direct result of the 2021 survey

Are you curious to learn more about the 2021 report? Download the report via this link.

About Barcelona Global

Barcelona Global is a private, independent and non-profit association composed by 213 of the city’s leading companies, research centres, entrepreneurs, business schools, universities and cultural institutions, and more than 830 professionals aiming to make Barcelona one of the world’s best cities for talent and economic activity.

More about expats in barcelona

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