Age in Spain’s supports Brits with their residency application

Age in Spain's Residency Helpline supports Brits with their residency application

Age in Spain’s Residency Helpline is an online resource centre and one to one information service specifically for British Nationals that need to complete their Spanish residency application.


Now that the UK has officially left the EU and the transition period is drawing to a close many British people living in Barcelona are still unsure about how to apply for residency. Many need information and support to be able complete their residency applications so they can continue to live in Spain with their full rights as residents.   

The Withdrawal Agreement

The Withdrawal Agreement is a legal document that provides a legal framework on some aspects of the separation of the UK and the EU (such as residency rights of current residents), and contains a political declaration (non binding) about what a future relationship should look like.


It is stated that UK nationals must be lawfully residing in Spain before the end of the transition period to enjoy their rights from 1 January 2021 onwards. 


The documents stating legal residency will be the proof and guarantee to continue enjoying the same rights as before 31 December 2020.

Financial support from the British Government

At the beginning of 2020 UK government has allocated £3 million for charities and organisations to provide practical support for UK nationals living in the EU.


Age in Spain is one of several charities and organisations that has received government funding to provide practical support for UK nationals living in the EU with their residency applications.


Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said:

“These organisations are doing vital work to support UK Nationals in the EU and this funding will help secure their rights under the Withdrawal Agreement, so that they are given the security and stability they need.”

Age in Spain is a not for profit organisation that works to enable all older people to live full lives as actively engaged citizens. Age in Spain focuses on supporting English speaking people who are thinking about moving to Spain, people who live in Spain or those who are family/carers of someone who lives in Spain. They do this by providing independent and accessible information and one to one support services.

Residency Helpline

Age in Spain’s Residency Helpline is an online resource centre and one to one information service specifically for British Nationals that need to complete their Spanish residency application.


The Helpline is is supported by a team of professionally trained and extremely dedicated Residency Helpline Assistants. From 9am to 6pm, 5 days a week, they answer queries from worried Brit’s who want to make sure their rights are guaranteed after the end of the transition period on December 31st 2020.


The Residency Helpline is supported by a website with accessible information, such as FAQs and blog posts to guide people through the residency process. “Sometimes the online information itself is not enough or people have specific questions about their unique circumstances. This is when our wonderful volunteers are able to provide one to one support by phone or email,” said, Regional Coordinator Brad De Abreu.


“It’s getting to the stage now where many Brits are thinking, I’d better sort out my residency. There is a lot of conflicting or unclear information out there and we want to provide clear, free and accessible information to help ease some of the stress that comes with dealing with these kinds of processes,” said Brad.


Age in Spain’s priority is to help vulnerable and older people who might otherwise be passed by due to barriers such as language, isolation, lack of confidence, lack of capacity, lack of access to technology, health issues, mobility issues, financial issues and the responsibilities of being a carer. They are now recruiting volunteers to do home visits to assist those who need extra support with booking appointments online, filling out forms and getting paperwork ready for their appointments

  • Desha Pingel
    21 September 2020 at 12:25

    We are looking to relocate to Spain (Catalunya) in 6 weeks, what can I do in terms of registration before I get there?

    • Barcelona Expat Life
      21 September 2020 at 21:51

      Hi Desha, many thanks for your message! My recommendation would be to try to arrange an appointment for your NIE. Best wishes, Mirjam

  • Spain Residence
    27 October 2020 at 10:11

    Awesome !!
    This article is too informative and useful for everyone ! Thank you so much for this amazing article !
    <a href="">Spain Residence </a>

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